Book Release - A Declaration of American Business Values; Ethics, Equity and Efficiency in the New Millennium

Released on = October 30, 2006, 4:16 pm

Press Release Author = Robert L. Merz, Values of America Company

Industry = Management

Press Release Summary = "A Declaration of American Business Values: Ethics, Equity
and Efficiency in the New Millennium" examines the relationship between the
historical roots of American Democracy and their applications to the world of

Press Release Body = Book Release: A Declaration of American Business Values;
Ethics, Equity and Efficiency in the New Millennium

CHERRY HILL, NJ - November 1, 2006 - Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
How do these words apply to the twenty-first-century business community? "A
Declaration of American Business Values: Ethics, Equity and Efficiency in the New
Millennium" examines the relationship between the historical roots of American
Democracy and their applications to the world of commerce.

Based on findings of the preeminent American social scientists, the key value
systems are defined and designed for plans of action. Explore the theoretical and
applied principles that instruct how to motivate people and make organizations
prosper. Uncover the core values central to business success--Ethics and Morality;
Individualism and Progress; Equality and Equity; Work and Achievement; Productivity
and Efficiency; Unity and Patriotism.

Gain an in-depth look into the subject matters of Pay Equity, Corporate Social
Responsibility, and the Role of the Individual. Learn how to adopt a systemic model
of doing business, based on the cultural norms necessary to ensure an efficient and
just work environment.

"A Declaration of American Business Values" encourages participation and discussion
through a constructive tone favoring innovation and change. The book is suitable for
employees at all company levels, as well as training facilitators, human resource
managers, motivational speakers, organizational consultants, and international

With topics ranging from "The True Meaning of Happiness," and "Mastery of
Understanding Society," to "The Suggestive Manager," and "Exporting Corporate
Culture," "A Declaration of American Business Values" provides a wide range of

The book stresses a qualitative approach. It steers away from acting as a strictly
quantitative barometer of technical solutions and plug-in management techniques. "A
Declaration of American Business Values" presents guidelines and ideas fundamental
to American culture that are applicable to all business entities.

Robert L. Merz is a native Philadelphian. He holds a Master's degree in Industrial
Relations from the University of Oregon, and a Bachelor's degree in Sociology from
Tulane University. He has worked for several Fortune 500 companies in the fields of
sales, marketing, and management. He has participated in several structured,
corporate management-training programs, and been involved in an entrepreneurial
start-up business.

"A Declaration of American Business Values: Ethics, Equity and Efficiency in the New
Millennium"; Robert L. Merz; Paperback; 148 pages; ISBN 0-9765868-1-9; 5 �" x 8 �";
$12.95; Bibliography; Publication Date: November, 2006;

Contact: Robert Merz, Values of America Company, P.O. Box 1534, Merchantville, NJ 08109
Phone: 866-467-7304


Web Site =

Contact Details = Contact: Robert Merz, Values of America Company, P.O. Box 1534,
Merchantville, NJ 08109
Phone: 866-467-7304

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